Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday, 4/12/13

Today's weather was so beautiful!  It was nice and warm, but it wasn't so hot that you had to take shade or worry about burning in the sun.  I met up with a new friend I made recently, and he brought a friend of his.  We went and played tennis together for about an hour!  I have to admit that I was awfully rusty at first.  Apparently, practicing in the racketball rooms in the gym is not nearly as help as I thought.  But at least I was able to get back into the swing of things-- literally-- within a short amount of time.  We alternated who played doubles since we had an uneven group.   My best performance was when I was against the two guys, for sure.  I forgot how much I enjoyed playing singles; being on my own definitely brought out the sleeping athlete in me.  My serving could use some work, but I know I still have it in me somewhere.  (I can't believe it's been a year since I've actually played tennis with someone!)  Now that I know about this court on campus, I'm going to try and go out every so often to practice, especially if the weather is as pleasant as it was today.

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