Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday (3/5/13)

Tuesday, 3/5/13, 11:10 AM - 12:20 PM

1. Cardio: Treadmill (17 minutes)
Walk 1 mile

2. Strength: Weights and Machines (40 minutes)
2 sets of 15 crunches on ab machine with 50 lb.
2 sets of 15 crunches on ab machine with 30 lb.

2 sets of 15 bicep curls with 5 lb. dumbbells
1 set of 15 bicep curls with 7.5 lb. dumbbells
1 set of 10 upper bicep curls with 5 lb. dumbbells
1 set of behind-the-back curls with 5 lb. dumbbells

1 set of 12 assisted chinups with front grip on 130 lb.
1 set of 12 assisted chinups with side grip on 130 lb.
1 set of 12 assisted dips with side grip on 130 lb.

3. Cardio: Tennis (10 minutes)

4. Cool Down (5 minutes)
Stretch arms, legs, back for 10-second intervals

Comments: Since I walked again today, I increased the incline to compensate.  My heart rate didn't increase as much as it does when I run, but the muscles in my legs seemed to respond as if I was running.  Felt the burn!  That darn cold is still with me, so hopefully I will be running again soon.  I really like increasing the amount of weightlifting I do.  The only downside is that it takes away from time to practice my sports.

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